Civil Engineering Formulas


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Uniformly Distributed Load

Uniform Load Partially Distributed

Uniform Load Partially Distributed at One End

Uniform Load Partially Distributed at Each End

Load Increasing Uniformly to One End

Load Increasing Uniformly to Center

Concentrated Load at Center

Concentrated Load at Any Point

Two Equal Concentrated Loads Symmetrically Placed

Two Equal Concentrated Loads Unsymmetrical Placed

Two Unequal Concentrated Loads Unsymmetrical Placed

Uniformly Distributed Load

Concentrated Load at Free End

Concentrated Load at Any Point

Beam Fixed at One End, Supported at Other – Uniformly Distributed Load

Beam Fixed at One End, Supported at Other – Concentrated Load at Center

Beam Fixed at One End, Supported at Other – Concentrated Load at Any Point

Beam Overhanging One Support – Uniformly Distributed Load

Beam Overhanging One Support – Uniformly Distributed Load on Overhang

Beam Overhanging One Support – Concentrated Load at End of Overhang

Beam Overhanging One Support – Concentrated Load at Any Point Between Supports

Beam Overhanging Both Supports – Unequal Overhangs – Uniformly Distributed Load

Beam Fixed at Both Ends – Uniformly Distributed Load

Beam Fixed at Both Ends – Concentrated Load at Center

Beam Fixed at Both Ends – Concentrated Load at Any Point

Continuous Beam – Two Equal Spans – Uniform Load on One Span

Continuous Beam – Two Equal Spans – Concentrated Load at Center of One Span

Continuous Beam – Two Equal Spans – Concentrated Load at Any Point

Continuous Beam – Two Equal Spans – Uniformly Distributed Load

Continuous Beam – Two Equal Spans – Two Equal Concentrated Loads Symmetrically Placed

Continuous Beam – Two Unequal Spans – Uniformly Distributed Load

Continuous Beam – Two Unequal Spans – Concentrated Load on Each Span Symmetrically Placed

The disciplines grouped in the school of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) are called upon to find solutions to the most important challenge of our time: to guarantee a sustainable living environment for humanity through a successful integration of human activities within the. Civil Engineering Formulas Book.pdf. Copyright © 2008-2012 all rights reserved- Geotechnical Formula 8 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY OF THE ROCKS AND SOIL 74. Earthquake, Lateral.

Cantilever Beam Stiffness

Civil Engineering Formulas And Graphs

Formula Used:

Stiffness (k) = (3 × E × I ) / l3


E - Young's Modulus
I - Area Moment of Inertia
l - Length

Related Calculator:

Colebrook White Equation

Formula :

S - hydraulic gradient,
v - kinematic viscosity of water,
D - Internal diameter,
Ks - Roughness coefficient,
g = 9.81 m/s2,
A - Area of section.

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Cantilever Beam Slope, Deflection With Couple Moment

Formula Used:

Slope at free end = ML / EI
Deflection at any section = Mx2 / 2EI

M is the couple moment at the free end,
E is the Elastic Modulus,
I is the Area moment of Inertia,
L is the Length of the beam and
x is the position of the load.

Related Calculator:

Cantilever Beam Slope, Deflection with Uniformly Distributed Load

Formula Used:

Slope at free end = PL3 / 6EI
Deflection at any section = Px2( x3 + 6L2 - 4Lx ) / 24EI


P is the externally applied load,
E is the Elastic Modulus,
I is the Area moment of Inertia,
L is the Length of the beam and
x is the position of the load

Related Calculator:

Cantilever Beam Slope, Deflection for Uniform Load

Formula Used:
Slope at free end = P0L3 / 6EI
Deflection at any section = P0x2 ( x3 + 6L2 - 4Lx ) / 24EI
P0 = PL / (L-x)

P0 is the Maximum intensity,
P is the Externally applied load,
E is the Elastic Modulus,
I is the Area moment of Inertia,
L is the Length of the beam and
x is the position of the load.

Related Calculator:

Cantilever Beam Slope, Deflection for Load at Free End


Slope at free end = PL2 / 2EI
Deflection at any section = Px2(3L-x) / 6EI


P is the externally applied load,
E is the Elastic Modulus,
I is the Area moment of Inertia,
L is the Length of the beam and
x is the position of the load

Related Calculator:

Cantilever Beam Slope, Deflection for Load at Any Point

Formula Used:

Slope at free end = Pa2 / 2EI
Deflection at any section = Px2(3a-x) / 6EI(for x less than a)
Deflection at any section = Pa2(3x-a) / 6EI(for a less than x)


P is the externally applied load,
E is the Elastic Modulus,
I is the Area moment of Inertia,
Lis the Length of the beam and
x is the position of the load
a is the distance of load from one end of the support

Related Calculator:

Feet and Inches Arithmetic

Formula Used:

Multiplication = ( (Value1-ft X 12) + in) X ( (Value2-ft X 12) + in) Addition = ( (Value1-ft X 12) + in) + ( (Value2-ft X 12) + in) Subtraction = ( (Value1-ft X 12) + in) - ( (Value2-ft X 12) + in) Division = ( (Value1-ft X 12) + in) / ( (Value2-ft X 12) + in)


ft - Feet
in - Inches

Related Calculator:

Flexible Pavement Structural Number


L=a1ta + b1tb + c1tsb +d1tad


L=Structural Number of Flexible pavement,
a1=Layer coefficient for asphalt ,
ta=Asphalt layer thickness,
b1=Layer coefficient of base,
tb=Base layer thickness ,
c1=Layer coefficient of sub-base,
tsb=Sub-base layer thickness,
d1=Layer coefficient of additional layer,
tad=Thickness of additional layer

Related Calculator:

Vertical Curve Offset Distance

Formula Used:

E = [ L x (g2 - g1) ] / 8


E - Vertical Offset
g1 - Initial grade
g2 - Final grade
L - Length of the curve

Related Calculator:

Vertical Curve Length

Formula Used:
Lm = [ S² × (g2 − g1) ] / 864 ∀ S<Lm
Lm = 2S - [ 864 / (g2 − g1) ] ∀ S>Lm

Lm - Minimum Curve length
g1 - Initial grade
g2 - Final grade
S - Passing Sight Distance

Related Calculator:

Crest Vertical Curve Length

Formula Used:

Lm = ( A×S² ) / ( 200 × (√h1 + √h2)² ) ∀ S<Lm
Lm = 2S − { ( 200 × (√h1 + √h2)² ) / A } ∀ S>Lm


A - Absolute difference between g2 and g1
S - Sight Distance
Lm - Minimum Curve Length
h1 - Height of driver's eye above roadway surface
h2 - Height of object above roadway surface

Related Calculator:

SAG Vertical Curve Length

Formula Used:
Lm = ( A×S² ) / ( 200 × (H + S ×tanβ) ) ∀ S<Lm
Lm = 2S − { ( 200 × (H + S ×tanβ) ) / A } ∀ S>Lm

If S > L, then the first formula is used, if L > S, then the second formula is used.


A - Absolute difference between g2 and g1
S - Sight Distance
Lm - Minimum Curve Length
H - Height of headlight
β - Angle of Headlight Beam

Related Calculator:


Rate of Change Vertical Curve

Formula Used:

r = (g2 − g1) / L


r - Rate of change of grade
g1 - Initial roadway grade
g2 - Final roadway grade
L - Length of the curve

Related Calculator:

Transportation Highways Horizontal Curve


R = 5729.58 / D
T = R * tan ( A/2 )
L = 100 * ( A/D )
LC = 2 * R *sin (A/2)
E = R ( (1/(cos (A/2) ) ) - 1 ) )
M = R ( 1 - cos (A/2) )
PC = PI - T
PT = PC + L


D = Degree of Curve, Arc Definition
1° = 1 Degree of Curve
2° = 2 Degrees of Curve
P.C. = Point of Curve
P.T. = Point of Tangent
P.I. = Point of Intersection
A = Intersection Angle, Angle between two tangents
L = Length of Curve, from P.C. to P.T.
T = Tangent Distance
E = External Distance
R = Radius
L.C. = Length of Long Chord
M = Length of Middle Ordinate
c = Length of Sub-Chord
k = Length of Arc for Sub-Chord
d = Angle of Sub-Chord

Related Calculator:

Elevation Point of Vertical Curve

Formula Used:

y = epvc + g1x + [ (g2 − g1) ×x² / 2L ]
y - elevation of point of vertical tangency
epvc - Initial Elevation
g1 - Initial grade
g2 - Final grade
x/L - Length of the curve

Related Calculator:

Vehicle Stopping Distance

Formula Used:

Stopping Distance =(v×t) + { v² / [2×g×(f±G)] }


g - gravity (9.8)
v - Vehicle Speed
t - perception Time
G - Grade of Road
f+G - Grade of Uphill
f-G - Grade of Downhill

Related Calculator:

Spiral Curve Tangent Distance

Formula Used:

Y = L − { L5 / ( 40×R²×Ls²) }
Y - Tangent distance to any point on the spiral
L - Length of spiral from tangent to any point
Ls - Length of spiral
R - Radius of Simple Curve

Related Calculator:

Spiral Curve Deflection Angle

Formula Used:

i = L² / ( 6×R×Ls)
i - Tangent deflection angle to any point on the curve
L - Length of spiral from tangent to any point
Ls - Length of spiral
R - Radius of Simple Curve

Related Calculator:

Earthwork Cross Sectional Area

Formula Used:
A - Area of cross section
Xi - Horizontal axis
Yi - Vertical axis
n - Number of points on cross section

Related Calculator:

Earthwork Cross Section Volume

Formula Used:

V = ((A1 + A2) ×L) / 2


L - Length between two areas
A1 - Cross section area of first side
A2 - Cross section area of second side
V - Eathwork Volume

Related Calculator:

Concrete Slab Maximum Length


L = ( 0.00047hr (fsS) ^2 ) ^ ( 1/3 )


L = Slab Length,
hr = Thickness of reinforced slab,
fs = Yield strength of steel reinforcement,
S = Steel reinforcing ratio

Related Calculator:

Concrete Slab Volume

Formula Used:

Volume of concrete Slab = w × l × t


l - Length
w - Width
t - Thickness

Related Calculator:

Concrete Slab Maximum Wall Load


P = 9.93 ( fc^0.5 )( te^2 ) ( ( k / (19000 ( fc^0.5 )( te^3 ) ) ) ^ 0.25


fc = Concrete compressive strength,
k = Modulus of subgrade reaction,
te = Slab thickness.

Related Calculator:

Maximum Floor Load Capacity


w = 257.876s ( kh / E ) ^ 0.5

w = Maximum Allowable Stationary Live Load,
k = Modulus of subgrade reaction,
h = Thickness of slab,
s = Allowable extreme fiber stress in tension,
E = Modulus of elasticity.

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Civil Engineering Formulas Pdf

Concrete Footing Volume

Formula Used:

Volume of concrete Footer = [ (ow × ol) − (iw × il) ] × t


ol - Outside Length
ow - Outside Width
il - Inside Length
iw - Inside Width
t - Thickness

Related Calculator:

Number of Cubic Yards Required for Concrete Column Fill


Radius = diameter/24 cubic yards = (height*(radius)2*22/7)/27

Related Calculator:

Concrete Footing

Formulas Used:

Footing Pours = ( Diameter * ( Width / 12 ) ) * ( Depth / 12 ) / 27 );

Related Calculator:

Concrete Volume


Concrete Volume = [( 22/7 )r2 * depth ) / 27 ] * Quantity

Related Calculator:

Block Wall Cubic Yards


For size = 8inch
Cubic Yards to be filled = (L * W * 0.32 / 27);
For size = 12inch
Cubic Yards to be filled = (L * W * 0.51 / 27);

Related Calculator:

Cubic Yards of Circular Stepping Stones


Single Stepping Stone = (Π X r2 X h) / 46656


h = Depth in inches
r = d / 2
d = Diameter in inches

Related Calculator:

Cubic Yards of Rectangular Stepping Stones


Single Stepping Stone = (l X b X h) / 324


l = Length in feet
b = Width in feet
h = Depth in inches

Related Calculator:

Cubic Yards of Triangular Stepping Stones


Single Stepping Stone = (l X b X h) / 648


l = Length in feet
b = Width in feet
h = Depth in inches

Related Calculator:



Number Of Blocks = (Length × Width) / Block Size

Related Calculator:

Concrete Mix Ratio


Volume= Width × Height × Depth
Cement = Volume × 320
Sharp Sand= Volume × 600
Gravel = Volume× 1200
Water = Volume × 176

Related Calculator:

Concrete Wall


Concrete Wall (CW) = (Length × Thickness × Height) × 0.037037

Related Calculator:

Concrete Driveways Cost


C = L × W × T × R
C = π × (M/2)2 × T × R
C = L × W × D × R
Circular column,
C = π × (M/2)2 × D × R


C = Total Cost Of Concrete Driveways
L = Length(yard)
W = Width(yard)
T = Thickness(yard)
R = Cost
D = Depth(yard)

Related Calculator:

Civil Engineering Formulas Pdf

Safe Speed For Horizontal Curve


If Safe speed of Horizontal Curve greater than 50 mph
Safe Speed for Horizontal curve ( V > 50mph ) = ( ( ( -0.03 × r ) + ( √ (((.03 × r) × (.03 × r)) + ((4 × r) × ((15 × (e / 100)) + 3.6))))) / 2)

If Safe speed of horizontal curve less than 50 mph
Safe Speed for Horizontal curve ( V < 50mph ) = ((( -.015 × rhname ) + ( √ ((( .015 × rhname ) × ( .015 × rhname )) + ((4 × rhname) × (( 15 × ( ehname / 100 )) + 2.85 ))))) / 2);


r = Radius of Horizontal Curve(ft)
e = Superelevation

Related Calculator:

Cornering Force


t = u × m × g × sin(a)
f = ( u × m × g × sin(a) ) + ( m × g × cos(a) )
v = √ (((( u × m × g × sin(a) ) + ( m × g × cos(a) )) × r ) / m )


t = Static Friction
u = Static Friction's Coefficient
m = Mass of Vehicle (kg)
g = Gravity Accelaration
r = Radius (m)
f = Total Net Force
v = Maximum Speed
a = Slope of the Road

Related Calculator:

Concrete Driveway


A = l × b
P = 2 × (l+b)


A = Drive way Area
P = Drive way Perimeter
l = Length
b = width

Related Calculator:

Roof Slope


Run(inches)= ( 12 × Rise ) / Roof Pitch
Slope = ( Rise / Run ) × 100
Angle = tan-1( Rise / Run )

Related Calculator:

Roof Angle


Run(inches) = ( Rise / Slope ) × 100
Angle = tan-1( Rise /Run )
Roof Pitch = ( Rise /(Run/12) )

Related Calculator:

Roof Pitch


Pitch = S / ( N / 12 )
Slope = ( S / N ) × 100
Angle = tan-1 ( S / N )


S = Rise (inches)
N = Run (inches)

Related Calculator:

Rise Run Slope


Run(inches) = Rise / tan(angle)
Roof Pitch = Rise / ( Run/ 12 )
Slope = ( Rise / Run) × 100

Related Calculator:


Curve Surveying


l = π × r × i / 180
t = r × tan(i / 2)
e = ( r / cos(i / 2)) -r
c = 2 × r × sin(i / 2)
m = r - (r (cos(i / 2)))
d = 5729.58 / r


i = Deflection Angle
l = Length of Curve
r = Radius
t = Length of Tangent
e = External Distance
c = Length of Long Chord
m = Middle Ordinate
d = Degree of Curve Approximate

Related Calculator:

lb/ft<sup>3</sup> to kN/m<sup>3</sup> Conversion


T = S × (9.81 kN/m³ / 62.4 lb/ft³)


T = Total Unit Weight in kN/m³
S = Total Unit Weight in lb/ft³

Related Calculator:



Approximate Sq.Ft Needed = Area Width × Area Height

Related Calculator:

Trapezoidal Footing Volume


V = h / 3(A1 + A2 + √(A1 * A2))


V = Volume of Trapezoid Footing
h = Height of Trapezoidal
A1 = Area of the Lower Shape
A2 = Area of the Upper Shape
A1 = m x n (Lower Height x Lower Breadth)
A2 = o x p (Upper Height x Upper Breadth)

Related Calculator:

Concrete Yardage

Construction Formulas Pdf


Concrete Yardage = L × W × H/12 × 0.037037


W = Width(ft)
L = Length(ft)
H =Thickness(inch)

Related Calculator:

Curb and Gutter Barrier Concrete Yardage


Concrete Yardage = (l×(f/12.0×(g/12.0+h/12.0))+l×(h/12.0×h/12.0)) × 0.037037


l = Length(ft)
f = Flag Thickness(inch)
g = Gutter Width(inch)
h = Curb Height(inch)

Related Calculator:

Concrete Wall


Concrete Yardage = Length × Height × (Thickness /12) × 0.037037

Related Calculator:

Concrete Footing Yard


Concrete Yardage = Length × Width(inch) /12 × Height(inch) /12 × 0.037037

Related Calculator:

Concrete Yards


c =((((n × t/12.0)×(n×r/12.0))/2)+((n×(t/12.0×r/12.0))/2))×w × 0.037037


c = Concrete Yardage
n = Number of stairs
t = Tread(inch)
r = Riser(inch)
w = Width(ft)

Related Calculator:

Concrete Volume


V = H x B x W
T = M + N + O
X = (M / T) x V
Y = (N / T) x V
Z = (O / T) x V


H = Height of Concrete
W = Width of Concrete
B = Breadth of Concrete
M = Cement Ratio
N = Sand Ratio
O = Coarse Ratio
V = Volume of Concrete
T = Total Ratio of ingredients
X = Cement Quantity
Y = Sand Quantity
Z = Coarse Quantity

Related Calculator:



V = A x T
X = V x 1.54
C = X x (M / G)
S = X x (N / G)


T = Plastering Thickness
V = Volume of Cement Mortar
A = Area of Plastering
M = Ratio of Plastering Cement
N = Ratio of Plastering Sand
C = Cement Required (1 Part)
S = Sand Required (5 Part)
X = 35% Sand Bulkage
G = Total ratio (M+N )

Related Calculator:

Floor Tile


Perimeter of Room = (2 x ( Room length + Room breadth)) - Door width
Skirting Tiles Area = Perimeter of Room x Skirting Tiles Height
Area of Room = Room length x Room Breadth
Total Area to be Laid = Area of Room + Skirting Tiles Area
Area of Tiles = Tiles length + Tiles Breadth
Number of Tiles We Need = (Total Area to be Laid / Area of Tiles) x Tiles Wastage%

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