Wp Seo


  1. Wp Seo Theme
  2. Wp Seo Gold Review
  3. Seo For Wordpress Website
  4. Wp Seo Schema
  5. Seo For Wordpress Site

An SEO strategy is all about creating a plan with ways to increase SEO for WordPress. That way, you’re well organized. It will help you carry out your strategy much more efficiently because you’ll know exactly how to optimize SEO in WordPress. You can follow along with your strategy and make sure you don’t miss any opportunities. Yoast SEO is the most-used WordPress SEO plugin, and has helped millions of people like you to get ahead, and to stay ahead. TAKING CARE OF YOUR WORDPRESS SEO Yoast SEO is packed full of features, designed to help visitors and search engines to get the most out of your website. Some of our favourites are.

WP Meta SEO gives you the control over all your SEO optimization. Bulk SEO content and image SEO, on page content check, 404 and redirect

WP Meta SEO plugin, main search engine optimization features

  • Bulk edit all website meta on a single view
  • Edit meta in content with live SEO analysis
  • Fix HTML image resizing in content
  • Bulk edit image file name and meta
  • Bulk edit SEO link title
  • 404 errors redirect and internal broken link checker
  • Add Google Analytics tracking information and display statistics in WordPress
  • Generate XML and HTML sitemaps
  • Facebook and Twitter social sharing custom elements per content
  • Breadcrumb generator
  • Gutenberg SEO content checker
  • Canonical URL management for post, pages… and categories

WP Meta SEO Addon plugin (optional), additional search engine optimization

  • Google Search Console keyword suggestion in content
  • Add local business information
  • Email SEO report: SEO data
  • Email SEO report: Google Analytics data
  • Duplicate meta check
  • Automatic schedule crawl content for broken links
  • Redirect URL based on rules
  • Add custom redirect, not only 404 errors
  • Custom post type in sitemaps
  • Sitemap crawl for errors
  • Automatic Google Search Console sitemap submission
  • Google Search Console error import and fix
  • And more!

Meta information bulk edition and image SEO

Editing meta information on an existing website can be very long, open each post, edit, close it, open again and almost nobody was doing it. Especially if you need to edit content + image meta.
WP Meta SEO is going to list all posts, pages, custom post types and all images. Type your meta content and fix image size and everything is AJAX saved.
Plus, a bulk copy feature is available to save tons of time in your SEO optimization process:

  • Content title to All meta titles (optional meta keywords)
  • Image name to Image title
  • Image name to Image alt
  • Optional keyword edition

A bunch of people reduce the size of the pictures in content using handles that results to a HTML resizing. And that’s something wrong for SEO, for page loading time and for image quality.
WP Meta SEO also include this feature in the bulk edition view, you are notified, and you can now optimize the size of your images in articles, click fix and it’s replaced in your content (no broken links).

On page SEO optimization and content analysis

  • Content SEO smart analysis bellow content
  • Google Search Console keyword suggestion in content
  • Search engine snippet preview
  • AJAX SEO analysis refresh
  • 7 criteria of SEO analysis
  • Force SEO criteria validation
  • Check: Page title word in content heading
  • Check: Page title word in content
  • Check: Page URL matches with page title
  • Check: Meta title filled
  • Check: Meta description filled
  • Check: Wrong image resizing
  • Check: Image meta title or alt
  • Check the Page builders content (Text, HTML, Heading content):
    Gutenberg, Visual composer, DIVI Builder, Beaver Builder, ACF, Site Origine, Themify builder, Live composer, Elementor

404 and redirect manager

404 errors are bad for user experience and for your backlinks, Google hates it too: this is something that has to be fixed to improve your SEO.
The redirect manager will help you to fix all types of 404 errors you can encounter on your website.

  • Index all 404 errors from external source (external websites)
  • Internal broken links check: index all broken links you got in your posts, pages, custom posts, comments
  • Possibility to redirect URL, remove link, recheck link
  • Redirect all 404 errors to home page
  • Index all 404 types: URL and images
  • Monitor the 404 hits number
  • Flush existing indexed URLs and hits number
  • Setup and redirect to a 404-custom page

Google Analytics connection

  • Enable analytics statistics in 2 clicks with token access
  • Tracking options to exclude WordPress user groups
  • File download statistics
  • Display Analytics statistics: session, users, organic, page views, bounce, location, pages, referrer, searches, traffic, technology

XML sitemap & HTML sitemap

  • Generate automatically xml sitemap
  • Generate automatically HTML sitemap
  • Sitemap source: menu selection (can be any content type), post, category of post, pages, author content
  • Setup update frequency and priority for each sitemap link
  • Crawl all sitemap URL for errors

Breadcrumb generator

  • Rich snippet breadcrumb
  • Control breadcrumb separator, links and display
  • Generate breadcrumb shortcode
  • Generate breadcrumb PHP shortcode

More details here:http://www.joomunited.com/wordpress-products/wp-meta-seo

Video demo:

Other search engine optimization features

  • Reduce page weight by fixing HTML image resizing
  • See all your snippet in one view
  • Image name, title, description and legend
  • Dashboard SEO check
  • Automatic AJAX saving SEO content on bulk edition
  • On page analysis: fix SEO criteria
  • Custom post type meta edition
  • All custom post type and WooCommerce SEO optimization
  • Yoast SEO meta information importer
  • All in one SEO meta information importer
  • ImageRecycle image compression integration
  • Live Google snippet preview
  • Content meta length limit (Google + Yahoo + Bing)
  • SEO problem warning
  • One click image title copy
  • SEO bulk copy: Copy image name to image alt and/or image title
  • SEO bulk copy: Copy content title to content meta title
  • SEO 404 and redirect: all 404 errors monitoring
  • SEO 404 and redirect: Redirect all 404 errors
  • SEO 404 and redirect: Internal broken link checker
  • SEO 404 and redirect: Custom 404 error page
  • SEO 404 and redirect: Redirect all 404 in one click
  • Check for SEO error: is robot.txt blocking search engine
  • Bulk edit SEO link title in your content
  • Follow/Nofollow on WordPress content
  • Generate automatically xml sitemap
  • Generate automatically HTML sitemap
  • Sitemap source: menu, post, pages, category and custom posts
  • HTML sitemap display with 3 frontend layouts

Main plugins from JoomUnited:

  • WP Media Folder: Supercharge your media library with folders
  • WP File Download: Best in class file and document manager
  • WP Speed of Light: Speedup your website in an easy way
  • WP Latest Posts: Super flexible latest posts and content
  • WP Table Manager: Create and manage tables with style


A HTML support document is provided with WP Meta SEO on JoomUnited website
Feel free to ask SEO questions on our forum or here in the support section
Documentation here:https://www.joomunited.com/support/wordpress-plugins-documentation?extension=wp-meta-seo#document


Wp Seo Theme

!!NEW in latest & fresh 3.0 version!!

Sitemap feature with XML for the Google Search console and HTML with display option. Adobe audition cc for mac.

SEO vision

Search engines are a major source of traffic for most websites. That’s why our users often ask us for SEO tips and plugins that can help improve SEO of their WordPress sites.
WP Meta SEO has been created to give to professionals and final users some real SEO tools to get better SEO rank. We think that SEO has to be something logic and durable. Overall SEO optimization requires a lot of time for each website, each client.

WP Meta SEO provides some automatic tools to analyze your content and give to search engine a better content to analyze.

WP Meta SEO on each new version, will focus on both “On page SEO” and “Global website SEO” factors:
On page SEO: Features that help you optimize a single page, e.g. the article you are working on (with a live analysis). Common functionality includes giving SEO scores to each article, content/meta comparison, page analysis tools and making recommendations how to improve the SEO of a post.
Site-wide SEO: it’s more about your whole site and structure between multiple articles. Common functionality includes title formatting, meta tag optimization as well as internal linking and redirects management.

And… don’t forget to check each month your SEO dashboard 🙂

PHP 5.6+, WordPress 5.x

Wp seo theme




To install the automatically:

  • Through WordPress admin, use the menu: Plugin > Add new
  • Search for WP Meta SEO
  • Click on install then click activate link

To install the plugin manually:

  • Download and unzip the plugin wp-meta-seo.zip
  • Upload the /wp-meta-seo directory to /wp-content/plugins/
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  • Use the WP Meta SEO WordPress left menu

Once the plugin is installed, open the bulk edition through the admin menu or open a content to load SEO on page analysis.
The plugin will check on install if there’s Yoast SEO or All in one SEO and ask for a meta import. Global parameter “Search engine visibility” is also checked to avoid SEO error.


Will the image rename bulk feature generate broken links?

Not at all, it would have been bad for SEO 🙂 the image name is dynamically replaced in all your content.

If I edit image title and alt text, will that information be loaded each time my image is in a content?

There’s an SEO option for that 🙂 WP Meta SEO will detect that the image has missing information and once edit it, you will have a list of all the image instance and where it’s loaded.
So you’ll be able to define SEO info for each instance.

Is WP Meta SEO slowing down my website?

Nope 🙂 All your SEO content is properly stored in the database and automatic SEO checks are also cached or run every 72 hours (unless you force the process)

Is WP Meta SEO compatible with 3rd party plugins?

YES it is 🙂 All plugins and themes that are using custom post type are compatible and you’ll be able to setup SEO for those content. Plus, Yoast SEO and All in one SEO content can also be imported.

Is WP Meta SEO fixing 404 errors?

Yes, using a redirect manager tool. WP Meta SEO will index all the 404 you have in your content (internal broken links).

Can I translate WP Meta SEO?

You’re welcome! in the WP Meta SEO package you got English and French included as standard .po/.mo files. Use the .pot file also available in the /language folder to create your own.
You can contact us if you want it to be included in the WP Meta SEO package.

How can I setup the Googlee Analytics to get statistics?

First create an account on Google analytics associated to your domain. Then from the plugin connect your website with your analytics account by copy/pasting a token code.


What’s the minimum version of WordPress required to run WP Meta SEO? WordPress 4.0 is required. WP Meta SEO may generate PHP errors if you tried to run it on an earlier version, and so it will simply refuse to activate on any version of WordPress that’s older than 4.0

Where in WordPress does WP Meta SEO plugin should be displayed?

In the admin of WordPress, on the left menu named WP Meta SEO and its sub menu for SEO tools

How do I uninstall WP Meta SEO?

Go to the Plugins > WP Meta SEO > Deactivate > Delete
If you choose to install it later all your SEO data will remain in place (database stored)

Which browsers work best with the WP Meta SEO administration interface?

WP Meta SEO is using HTML5 features so to be sure run the latest version of Chrome / Firefox / Safari or IE9+

Can I help with WP Meta SEO translation?

Yes! you can contact us on our forum. SEO as its own language and expression, we would be happy to add yours.

Why including meta keywords edition as it’s not a SEO rank criteria?

Because it may helps in some case for SEO, mainly for multilingual website, it help search engines to validate the page language. Some automatic SEO tool may use it too.

Some criteria of the SEO on page analysis does not fit my content

Yes, it may be the case when, for example, you are calling 3rd party plugins in content or using specific page layouts. You have a global option to force validation of SEO criteria.
This manual SEO validation on click on the reload analysis button.

Wp Seo Gold Review

How do I submit my sitemap to the Google Search Console?

From the Sitemap section of the plugin, you got a link to the XML sitemap page. Just copy/paste the link in the Google search console.
You can also use the link: www.your-website.com/sitemap.xml after checking the option to copy the sitemap to the WordPress install root.

Is there a real interest for SEO to display a HTML sitemap?

It could be! if you have a lot of pages that need to be indexed with no specific priority. Our advice is to keep only the main menus of your website in the HTML sitemap.

Seo For Wordpress Website

Is it compatible with Gutenberg Editor?

Yes WP Meta SEO is compatible with Gutenberg editor since 3.7 version.

Wp Seo Schema

Wp Seo


Seo For Wordpress Site

I have been using several SEO-plugins but this is the first time I can easily understand what I am doing! really easy to work with even for non-techies.