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Add this to what Noel Casler has repeatedly said over the last couple of years. Casler, a professional comedian, worked with Trump several times with his Miss America pageants and The Apprentice show. Wasn't it Casler who had a go at Don Jr on Twitter earlier this week or last, warning him to shut it or he would put stuff out that he (Casler) knew about Jr and/or his father - might have been you who posted it, annemarie? — NoelCaslerComedy (@CaslerNoel) August 14, 2020 Trump is quick to call negative statements about him lies. He’s accused Adam Schiff, Robert Mueller, E. Jean Carroll, James Comey, his niece Mary, and so many others of lying about him. He’s never publicly responded to Noel Casler.

Noel Casler, a celebrity and comedian who used to work on the Apprentice, did a radio interview on CJAD with radio host Dave Kaufman and to say the interview was terrifying would be an understatement. He talked quite a bit about Donald Trump's alleged drug habit, something that many people have openly discussed over the years. There was lots of buzz about him snorting Adderall and abusing Sudafed. But for some reason, everyone just..let it go once he won (stole) the election in 2016.

Then Casler moved on to the NDA's and the reluctance (fear) that everyone in Hollywood has about coming about and saying what they really know about Trump and his family. People, sadly, put their own personal needs and careers over what is best for the country, so they chose to stay silent. Casler than talked about Trump sexually assaulting women - discussing the Barney's dressing room, specifically.

Finally, we get to the scary stuff. The first part we all know - that Donald Trump is barely functioning and cannot even fake it anymore. He said:

'The guy is unmanageable..He's not a functioning human being. He barely works..Imagine the dysfunction and the insanity these people are witnessing at the White House. The GOP leaders that, as you said, are enabling him. He doesn't even leave the residency anymore. You know, when he took office, he wouldn't come down to the Oval Office until noon. And they started calling it executive time. Right. And I'm like, I know what that's about. He's a 73 year old drug addict. It takes him three hours to get going in the morning..and now he has degenerated to the point where he doesn't leave the residence. He's taking most of those meetings when he's at the White House in his private quarters.'

It has become common knowledge that Trump can barely make it to meetings or read a speech for even 5 minutes. He is degenerating fast.

And now..Ivanka. The plastic, fake-throaty voice, daughter wife.

'If you are scared of Trump, you should be terrified of Ivanka. I think she's the brains behind the operation. I've seen her manipulate him. It's all an act. Down to that phony voice she uses. That's a put on. That's how he likes her to sound. Her real voice is a lot lower and she curses like a sailor..she's engineering herself to take over. Ivanka wants to rule us all someday and I'm not's not just hyperbole..she wants her face on people should be very worried about her.'

Anyone paying attention can see that not only does Donald Trump view his daughter as his one and only true love, but he truly does see her as the perfect woman, and the ONLY woman who should take over for him. His sons are always living in Ivanka's shadow. And poor Tiffany doesn't even count in Trump's eyes.

This interview, from someone with insight into Trump, the machine behind him and his daughter, should terrify us all.

If I could sum up the point I am trying to make having worked with Trump it is this: his drug addiction would allow him to blow up the world over a perceived slight. He seethes with rage and resentment 24/7. He is as damaged a human being as I have ever met. @realDonaldTrump

— NoelCaslerComedy (@CaslerNoel) January 5, 2020

Do you remember this picture? Back during the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump decided to tweet out a picture of him enjoying a 'taco bowl' from the Trump Tower Grill as evidence of how much he loved Hispanics.

Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 5, 2016

Leave aside the gratuitous racism, the fake Oscars, the newspaper clipping of ex-wife Marla Maples in a bikini, and the messy desk (a distinct difference from his Oval Office desk), there is something much more telling in that photo about his presidency than Trump realizes.

Can you see it? There's a frickin' pharmacy of Sudafed in that drawer. The same medication that I can only buy in small doses for my allergy-ridden teenager when hay fever hits and she can barely breathe. And it's not the same OTC Sudafed that you or I can buy at the Walgreens or Duane Reade on the corner. That's the UK version of the brand.

Why the distinction? Because the UK version has ingredients not found in the US version. I'll let Twitter user JRehling take over:

Sudafed is sometimes used for a high that includes increased alertness, but also has a side effect of pupil dilation.

— JRehling (@JRehling) October 5, 2019

Abuse of this drug was rare, but in order to limits its abuse, regulations were passed limiting the frequency in which an individual could purchase it, and requiring the individual show ID.

— JRehling (@JRehling) October 5, 2019

The desk drawer full of Sudafed, including boxes in New York purchased in the UK indicate that the legal limits of purchase are being circumvented, and that the then-candidate Trump was abusing Sudafed for its high rather than its decongestant effect.

— JRehling (@JRehling) October 5, 2019

Noel Casler Twittter

'A sign of abuse of this drug might be finding a large amount of cold medicine drug packaging among someone’s belongings.'

— JRehling (@JRehling) October 5, 2019

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Beyond pupil dilation, more serious side effects include hallucinations and paranoid psychosis.
It is very concerning for the entire planet that someone with access to nuclear weapons is showing signs of abusing a drug that leads to paranoid psychosis.

Noel Castler Twitter

Noel casler twitter

— JRehling (@JRehling) October 5, 2019

A desk drawer full of a controlled substance, however benign, shows signs that someone is systematically circumventing the law. The side effects of a cold drug are particularly concerning in this case, and this is a threat to the security of the United States and the world. [END]

Noel Casler Twitter

— JRehling (@JRehling) October 5, 2019

Add this to what Noel Casler has repeatedly said over the last couple of years. Torrent stream controller for mac. Casler, a professional comedian, worked with Trump several times with his Miss America pageants and The Apprentice show.

Trump snorted Adderall all thru the day on ‘Apprentice’ he also ate UK. Sudafed like candy. But at night and at parties he switched to cocaine and high-end Methamphetamine that was hand-delivered by Bikers. The point is he was always high. That hasn’t changed. @realDonaldTrump

— NoelCaslerComedy (@CaslerNoel) September 9, 2019

There are multitudes of pictures of Trump at various events with eyes dilated so wide, I'm amazed there aren't tears streaming down his face from the light. There are really no non-medical/pharmacological reasons for his eyes to be so dilated.

As the impeachment news gets more and more intense, look carefully at Trump's eyes. I promise you that they will be dilated more often than not. The man who has the nuclear codes. This is not a story that will end well.