Electrical Engineering Calculators

The most common used electrical formulas - Ohms Law and combinations

This app contains all the Electrical Engineering calculations and conversions including Voltage, Current, Power, Efficiency, Resistor/Capacitor/Inductor combinations, Resonant Frequency, Reactance.

Electrical Calculator Online

Common electrical units used in formulas and equations are:

  • Volt - unit of electrical potential or motive force - potential is required to send one ampere of current through one ohm of resistance
  • Ohm - unit of resistance - one ohm is the resistance offered to the passage of one ampere when impelled by one volt
  • Ampere - units of current - one ampere is the current which one volt can send through a resistance of one ohm
  • Watt - unit of electrical energy or power - one watt is the product of one ampere and one volt - one ampere of current flowing under the force of one volt gives one watt of energy
  • Volt Ampere - product of volts and amperes as shown by a voltmeter and ammeter - in direct current systems the volt ampere is the same as watts or the energy delivered - in alternating current systems - the volts and amperes may or may not be 100% synchronous - when synchronous the volt amperes equals the watts on a wattmeter - when not synchronous volt amperes exceed watts - reactive power
  • kiloVolt Ampere - one kilovolt ampere - kVA - is equal to 1000 volt amperes
  • Power Factor - ratio of watts to volt amperes

Electrical Potential - Ohm's Law

All About Circuits is one of the largest online electrical engineering communities in the world with over 300K engineers, who collaborate every day to innovate, design, and create. Calculators for Electrical Engineering & Electronics. All Electrical Engineering Formulas List. Cable Length from Sag, Span. Formula: L = S + ((8. d 2) / (3. S)) Where, L = Cable Length S = Cable Span d = Cable Sag. Using this Online Electrical Calculator the parallel Capacitors calculation in a circuit is made easier here. Related Calculator: Parallel Capacitor Calculator; Horsepower (HP. Find Electrical Engineering Calculator at CalcTown. Use our free online app Electrical Engineering Calculator to determine all important calculations with parameters and constants. All About Circuits is one of the largest online electrical engineering communities in the world with over 300K engineers, who collaborate every day to innovate, design, and create. Calculators for Electrical Engineering & Electronics.

Ohm's law can be expressed as:

U = R I (1a)

U = P / I (1b)

U = (P R)1/2 (1c)

Electric Current - Ohm's Law

I = U / R (2a)

I = P / U (2b)

I = (P / R)1/2 (2c)

Electric Resistance - Ohm's Law

R = U / I (3a)

R = U2/ P (3b)

R = P / I2 (3c)

Example - Ohm's law

A 12 volt battery supplies power to a resistance of 18 ohms.

I = (12 V) / (18 Ω)

= 0.67 (A)

Electric Power

P = U I (4a)

P = R I2 (4b)

P = U2/ R (4c)


P = power (watts, W, J/s)

U = voltage (volts, V)

I = current (amperes, A)

R = resistance (ohms, Ω)

Electric Energy

Electric energy is power multiplied with time:

W = P t (5)


W = energy (Ws, J)

t = time (s)

Alternative - power can be expressed

P = W / t (5b)

Power is consumption of energy by consumption of time.

Example - Energy lost in a Resistor

A 12 V battery is connected in series with a resistance of 50 ohm. The power consumed in the resistor can be calculated as

P = (12 V)2 / (50 ohm)

= 2.9 W

The energy dissipated in 60 seconds can be calculated

W = (2.9 W) (60 s)

= 174 Ws, J

= 0.174 kWs

= 4.8 10-5 kWh

Example - Electric Stove

An electric stove consumes 5 MJ of energy from a 230 V power supply when turned on in 60 minutes.

The power rating - energy per unit time - of the stove can be calculated as

P = (5 MJ) (106 J/MJ) / ((60 min) (60 s/min))

= 1389 W

= 1.39 kW

The current can be calculated

I = (1389 W) / (230 V)

= 6 ampere

Electrical Motors

Electrical Engineering Calculators

Electrical Motor Efficiency

μ = 746 Php / Pinput_w (6)


μ = efficiency

Php = output horsepower (hp)

Pinput_w = input electrical power (watts)

or alternatively

μ = 746 Php / (1.732 V I PF) (6b)

Electrical Motor - Power

P3-phase = (U I PF 1.732) / 1,000 (7)


P3-phase = electrical power 3-phase motor (kW)

PF = power factor electrical motor

Electrical Motor - Amps

I3-phase = (746 Php) / (1.732 VμPF) (8)


I3-phase = electrical current 3-phase motor (amps)

PF = power factor electrical motor

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Cable Length from Sag, Span


L = S + ((8 * d2) / (3 * S))


L = Cable Length
S = Cable Span
d = Cable Sag

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Spring Resonant Frequency


fres= (1/2)* √(k/M)


fres = Spring Resonance
k = Spring Constant
M = Spring Mass

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Solenoid Coil Electromagnetic Force


F = (n x i)2 x magnetic constant x a / (2 x g2)
F = Force,
i = Current,
g = Length of the gap between the solenoid and a piece of metal,
a = Area
n = Number of turns,
Magnetic constant = 4 x PI x 10-7.

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Capacitor Energy (E) and RC Time Constant

Best Calculator For Electronics


E = (V² x C) / 2
T = R x C


E =Stored Energy (Joules),
T = Time Constant (S),
V = Volatge (V) ,
C = Capacitance (uF),
R = Load Resistance (Ohms).

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Physical Properties of Coil / Material

Formula Used:

T = bl / d
n = Turns/ T
cd = (2 x n x d) + bd
r = (n x d + bd) / 2
a = PI x r x r
L = (2 x PI x r x n) / 1000
rpm = .0333 *((0.812/2)*(0.812/2))/((d/2)*(d/2))
R = rpm x L
V = R x I
P = V x I

T = Turns per winding,
bl = Length of Bobbin,
d = Wire Diameter,
n = Number of windings,
cd = Outer diameter of coil,
bd = Diameter of Bobbin,
r = radius of middle of coil,
a = Cross sectional area,
L = Total Length,
rpm = Resistance/meter,
R = Resistance,
V = Voltage at Rated Current,
I = Current,
P = Power at Rated Current,

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Air Core Coil Inductance


Inductance = ((d2) x (n2)) / (18d + 40l)
d = Coil Diameter,
l = Coil Length,
n = Number of turns.

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Parallel Resistor

Formula Used:

Rp = 1 / ((1/R1) + (1/R2))
Rp = Total Parallel Resistance
R1 & R2 = Resistors connected in parallel

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Straight Wire Inductance / Inductor


L= 0.00508 x a x (log(2 x a/d)-0.75)
L = Inductance,
a,d = Length & Diameter of the wire,

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8051 PIC Microcontroller (UC) Time Delay

Electrical Engineering Calculators

Formula Used:

TIC12 = 1 / (mhz / 12)TIC6 = 1 / (mhz / 6)
8-bit Timer Counter Maximum Run-Time for 12 clock = TIC12 * 256 / 1000
8-bit Timer Counter Maximum Run-Time for 6 clock = TIC6 * 256 / 1000
16-bit Timer Counter Maximum Run-Time for 12 clock = TIC12 * 65536 / 1000
16-bit Timer Counter Maximum Run-Time for 6 clock = TIC6 * 65536 / 1000
8-Bit DRT Reload Value for 12 clock = 256 -(DRT / TIC12 * 1000)
8-Bit DRT Reload Value for 6 clock = 256 -(DRT / TIC6 * 1000)
16-Bit DRT Reload Value for 12 clock = 65536 -(DRT / TIC12 * 1000)
16-Bit DRT Reload Value for 6 clock = 65536 -(DRT / TIC6 * 1000)

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Parallel Resistance of Electronic Circuit

Formula :

Where R1,R2,...Rn are the individual resistor values
Rtotal is the total resistance value in parallel

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Series Resistor / Resistance




R = Total Resistors value
R1 = Individual Resistors value
R2 = Individual Resistors value
R3 = Individual Resistors value

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Microstrip Transmission Lines Impedance (Z0)


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Electrical Admittance (Y)


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Series Capacitor / Capacitance

Formula :
1/CTotal = 1/C0 + 1/C1 + 1/C2 + .... + 1/Cn

C0,C1,..,Cn are the individual capacitors values
CTotal is the total capacitance value of an electrical circuit

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Parallel Capacitor / Capacitance

Formula :
CTotal = C1 + C2 + C3 + .... + Cn

C1,C2,..,Cn are the individual capacitors values
CTotal is the total capacitors value in parallel
Using this Online Electrical Calculator the
parallel Capacitors
calculation in a circuit is made easier here.

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Horsepower (HP) and Watts Conversion


Horsepower (HP) =W/HP


W = Power in wattsHP = Value of one HP
1 Electrical HP = 746 watts
1 Mechanical HP = 745.69987 watts
1 Metric HP = 735.49875 watts

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Power Factor for AC

3 Phase Motor Cost Calculator


Power factor = kW/√ (kW)2 + (kVAr)2


kW = Real Power
kVAr = Reactive Power

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Three Phase Transformer Capacity


V = (k x 1000) / (A x Ph)
A = (k x 1000) / (V x Ph)
k = (Ph x V x A) / 1000


V = Volt
A = Amps
k = kVA
Ph = 3 phase (√3 = 1.732050808)

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Specific Work of Gas Turbine


w = K / ((K - 1) * R * T1 * [1 - ((p2 / p1)((K-1)/K))])


w = Specific Work Gas Turbine
K = Ratio Specific Heat Air
R = Individual Gas Constant
T1 = Absolute Temperature
p1 = Primary Pressure
p2 = Secondary Pressure

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3 Phase Power by Two Wattmeters Method


P = ( V12 * I2 * cos ( 30 + θ ) ) + ( V13 * I3 * cos ( 30 - θ ) )


P = Three Phase Power
V12 , V13 = Voltage
I2, I3 = Current
θ = Displacement Angle
cos = Cosine

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Specific Work


w = (p1 - p2) / ρ
t = (p2 - p1) / ρ


w = Specific Work of Pump
t = Specific Work of Turbine
p1 = Primary Pressure
p2 = Secondary Pressure
ρ = Density

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AVR Timer


f = cf / p
o = ttt / tr2
rtt = t - (o * tr2)
rt = ttt / f
nf = f / ttt


f = Frequency
cf = System Clock Frequency
p = Prescaler Clock Value
o =Overflow Count
tr = Timer Resolution
ttt = Total Timer Ticks
rtt = Remainder Timer Ticks
rt = Real Time
nf = New Frequency

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Young's Modulus Spring Resonant Frequency


fres = (d / (9* D2 * nf)) * √(G / ρ)


fres = Spring Resonant Frequency
d = Wire Diameter
D = spring Diameter
nf = Total Number of Coils
G = Youngs Modulus of Material
ρ = Material Density

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Gearbox Ratio


GF = (eRPM * h * 0.002975) / a


GF = Gear Factor
GR = Gear Ratio
eRPM = Engine RPM (Revolution per Minute)
h = Tire Height
a = Axle Ratio
MPH = Miles per Hour

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Power Consumption mAh Calculator


b = (c / h) * 0.70


b = Average Current Consumption
c = Battery Capacity
h = Estimated Hours

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Electricity Cost


Energy Consumed per Day = (p × h) / 1000
Energy Consumed per Month = ((p × h) / 1000) × 30
Energy Consumed per Year = ((p × h) / 1000) × 365
Electricity Cost per Day = ((p × h) / 1000) × r
Electricity Cost per Month =(((p × h) / 1000) × 30) × r
Electricity Cost per Year = (((p × h) / 1000) × 365) × r


p = Power Consumption
h = Hours of Use per Day
r = Electricity Cost per Unit

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Wire Diameter


D = 2 × √(A / π)


D = Wire Diameter
A = Area

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Wire Gauge


Wire Diameter in AWG = -10 - 20 × log(d)


d = Wire Diameter
g = Diameter of Wire in Gauge

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Electric Potential Energy



V = Electric Potential
qN = Charge
ε0 = Permittivity(8.8541878176e-12 F/m)
rN = Point Distant

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Transformer Current


I = P / V


I = Current
P = Power Rating
V = Voltage

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Transformer Primary Conductor Size


δ = I / A


δ = Conductor Size
I= Current
A = Current density

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Number of Turns in a Transformer Coil


Te = (1/(4.44 × F × M × A))
T = Te × V


Te = Turns per Volts
T = Total Number of Turns
M = Magnetic flux
A = Area of Core
F = Operating Frequency
V = Voltage

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Transformer Wire Length


Total Wire Length = Number of Turns × Perimeter of Bobbin

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Volume of Conductor


Volume of Conductor = Area × Length

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Weight of Transformer Windings


Weight of Windings(kg) = Density × Volume(m3)

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NE555 Timer Astable Circuit


f = 1.44 / ((R1 + 2(R2)) × C)
THigh = 0.693 × (R1 + R2) × C
Tlow = 0.693 × R2 × C
d = ( THigh / ( THigh + l )) × 100


R1 = Resistor 1
R2 = Resistor 2
C = Capacitor
d = Duty Cycle
f = Frequency
THigh = Time High
Tlow = Time Low

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Electrical Engineering Calculator Download


p = ε0 × e2 / 2


p = Electrostatic Pressure
e = Electric Field
ε0 = Electric Constant(8.854×10-12)

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Real and Reactive Power


For Single Phase
t = v × i × cos(p)
r = v × i × sin(p)

For Three Phase
t = √3 × v × i × cos(p)
r = √3 × v × i × sin(p)


t = Real power
r = Reactive power
v = Voltage
i = Current
p = Phase Angle

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DC Power


P = V × I
V = P / I
I = P / V


P = Power
V = Voltage
I = Current

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AC Power


For Single Phase
P = V × I × cos(θ)
V = P / (I × cos(θ)
I = P / (V × cos(θ)

For Three Phase
P = √3 × V × I × cos(θ)
V = P / (3 × I × cos(θ)
I = P / (3 × V × cos(θ)


P = Power
θ = Power Factor Angle
V = Voltage
I = Current

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Power Consumption South Africa


p = (e × t) / 1000


p = Power Consumption
e = Electricity Usage
t = Total Usage Time

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Copper Loss


l = (a2 × b) + (c2 × d)


l = Copper Loss
a = Primary Winding Current
b = Primary Winding Ohmic Resistance
c = Secondary Winding Current
d = Secondary Winding Ohmic Resistance

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Total Luminous Flux


Ω = 2π(1-Cosθ)
F = ΩIv


Iv = Maximum Luminous Intensity
θ = Cone Full Angle
Ω = Equivalent Solid Angle
F = Total Luminous Flux

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Coaxial Cable Impedance


Z = (138 × log10 (d1 / (d2)) / √(R)
F = 11.8 / (√(R) × π × ((d1 + d2) / 2))
T =( (7.354 × R) / (log10(d1 / d2)))/0.3048
D = (140.4 × log10(d1 / d2))/0.3048
V = (1 / √ (R)) × 100


Z = Impedance
d1 = Dielectric Outer Diameter
d2 = Inner Conductor Diameter
R = Dielectric Constant
F = Cutoff Frequency
T = Capacitance
D = Inductance
V = Velocity of Propagation

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